Welcome to SC Media

Welcome to SC Media, our blog is a dedicated place to find all the latest research within the music industry. Our blog is designed and maintained by two A level media students who work hard and listen to a wide variety of music and genres.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Music Videos and Lip Synching

Many artists use lip synching to make their music videos, lip synching is when the artist would synch their words/lips with the words from the chosen track. Once the lip synching process has been recorded the editor would cut the background sound from the clips recorded and drop in the chosen track by the artist, whilst editing the music video. The reason that artists use this is to symbolise the fact that they are the artist that had produced this track, this is an important factor when promoting an artists albums, shows, and the artist themselves. The reason that this is an important factor is because when the audience watch the music video’s produced by the artist they are more likely to purchase/attend the artists albums/shows because they get more familiar with the artist. This can be evidenced by placing another artist to lip synch a different artists track, by lip synching the other artists track the replacing artist would gain the credibility and fame, therefore boosting their sales. This is one of the main reasons why artists lip synch their music video, for the credibility as well as so that it can go in synch with the music video. Lip synching is mainly used in music videos so that the words are said on time, this can be done mainly for the pleasure and satisfaction of the audience as the audience would not like to see a music video where the artist’s words do not match the words from the track.