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Welcome to SC Media, our blog is a dedicated place to find all the latest research within the music industry. Our blog is designed and maintained by two A level media students who work hard and listen to a wide variety of music and genres.

Thursday, 31 March 2011

Questionnaire - Questions and justifications

Questionnaire - Questions and justifications

  1. What is your gender?
The reason that we are asking this is because when analysing the questionnaires we would like to find out which gender associates with what genre, artist etc. more. 

  1. Please specify your age group
The reason that we want to know the age group is that we can again further break down which group likes what, this is called segmentation, by segmenting the audience we would be able to target specific groups.

  1. Do you listen to music?
The reason that we would want to know this is because some people may not be interested in music, by identifying who does not listen to music we can save time and money by not having to target out media product at them.

  1. If yes, how often do you listen to music?
The reason that this is important to know is because we can again save time and money by targeting our media product at those who are heavily involved in listening to music as well as those who listen to music occasionally.

  1. What genre do you prefer to listen to?
This is an important question to ask, the reason that we would be asking this is so that we can find out which is the popular choice for which groups.

  1. Who would be your favourite artist in this genre?
We would like to know who is the favourite artist in the genre the target audience have chosen, this is so that we can find out which artist is more associated with which genre.

  1. Do you purchase any of the artists albums, mix tapes etc.?
This information would be important so that we can find out how many people purchase the albums, this is so that we can then have a think about whether or not an album should be mass produced since if not a lot of people purchase the album then it would be a waste of time and money as well as the artists effort.

  1. How much would you spend on an album?
This is an important factor to think about when it comes to distributing the albums, knowing how much a person would spend on an album helps us to create pricing strategies.

  1. Where do you purchase or get your albums from?
We would need to know this so that when marketing and distributing our media products we would know where the main income will come from as well as to know where we should focus our marketing on.

  1. Do you watch an artist’s music video?
This question is so that we know whether people watch music videos or not as well as to know whether out music videos will get any views or not.

  1. Where do you watch these music videos?
The reason that we are asking this is because there are different methods of watching a music video, this means that we would like to know which kind of method of watching a music video is popular so that we can consider the options of how to get our media product out there.

  1. Does an artist’s music video influence you to purchase their albums?
The reason that we would like to know whether an artist’s music video influences the target audience, is so that we can know whether a music video can give our artist a boost of increase in sales.

  1. What kind of things would you like to see in a music video?
The answer for this question would be where the person will have a chance to give their own opinion, this is so that when producing the music video we can look at these opinions and use them to create a brainstorm of ideas to use in the media production.

Focus group - Devlin - Marching through the fog

Marching through the fog is a song by urban music artist Devlin from his latest album Bud, sweat, tears. The video uses a very gritty theme which uses violence and shows many typical scenes that you'd expect from the genre. The main narrative of the music video is basically what Deviln's life has been like. It shows him showing no fear when facing certain or near death and how he overcomes and fights back.

Genre characteristics -

The video uses many different enviorments and it works well as it portrays the song very well. It uses urban enviorments from London that look very gritty and dark and works well. The dress code is very typical also. Devlin himself is wearing a tracksuit and trainers and the other people is wearing similar i.e hoodies, jeans, trainers.

What is there a relationship between lyrics and visuals? - 
During the chorus of the song it says "Has Devlin gone soft, does Devlin think he’s bad, nah he thinks he’s at the top," and during this chorus Devlin is one person swearing and shouting at a group of thugs who are looking to do him some damage.
What is the relationship between music and visuals? -
When he emerges from the fog the beat of the song builds up to imply that something is about to emerge.
Are there any close-ups of the artist and star image motifs? - 
Yes, the music video close-ups of Devlin mostly show him lip syncing to the song in the way that he does with is arm moving etc. This could show his passion for music and what he does for a living and that he's trying to portray that to the audience.



Focus group - P Money - Slang like this

Slang like this is a Grime genred music video which features P Money. The video is a typical of a grime video where it incorporates estates and very urban areas though it doesn't use the gritty dark side of grime. The song maintains a very light mood which is done when the song goes to the chourus and you see many diverese people of all races and colour. The video doesn't have any narrative structure and most of the camera shots follow P Money and he's walking thorugh the different urban enviorments.

Genre characteristics - 
The music video uses the very typical Grime scenes which incorporate estates and alleyways littered with graffiti. Also the people who star in the video is what you would call typical of the genre with a few exceptions, you mainly have young male and females that are wearing urban clothing which you'd associate with Grime. P Money and other grime artists like D Double E.

Are there any relationships between visuals and lyrics? -
Yes there are, during the chorus the video has the words being lip synced by a diverse range of people as well as the main artist P Money. This could incorporate part of the chorus as well as the song name which is "We speak in slang like this", "Slang like this".

Are there any relationships between the music and lyrics? -
Not really, the song maintains a light grimey beat which is mostly lip synced to. Other than that beat does have a dancey theme to it where the people on screen dance and bop to the beat, an example of this would be toward the end were the instrumental is playing and P Money is bopping away to the beat.

Are there any close-ups of the artist and star image motifs? - 
Yes, throughout the music video there are several close-ups of the people in the video during the main parts and chrous. But mostly the close-up shots are of P Money and D Double E. There is also a bit are the start where the camera see P Money walking through a tunnel and as he gets closer to the camera it changes to a track shot + mid shot.