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Welcome to SC Media, our blog is a dedicated place to find all the latest research within the music industry. Our blog is designed and maintained by two A level media students who work hard and listen to a wide variety of music and genres.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Music genre research - Pop

Pop music is a mainstream genre of music that has commerical worldwide commercial success and is widely listened to. Typically the Pop genre is aimed at all people but it finds a mass audience with youth in particular. The typical sound conventions of Pop utilises different sounds to create a consistent beat and often uses a sub-genre to create a whole new style and sound. As oppose to other genres Pop aims to appeal to a general audience rather than a ideology or culture with the aim of getting the most singles sales and top the music singles and album charts.

Another convention of Pop music is that it tends to reflect current trends within the industry rather than innovating and making something new and nice to listen to. The main conventions of Pop is that the song usually runs for 3-5 minutes with a structure and a consistent rhythm. Also the song typically takes form of a verse-chorus structure and uses hook lines to which stick in the audiences head. Pop also uses simple themes to convey the song, examples are themes such a love, hate, dancing etc. Pop music gets a lot of promotion via radio stations. In the UK Pop songs are guaranteed to play on the popular radio stations everyday.

Other promotion for pop is via online and iTunes where a particular album or single gets a main page advertisement when the customer goes on the store homepage. Pop music video also have typical conventions and have themes too, many successful Pop music videos tend to have simple setting and story. Music videos such as "Just Dance" by Lady GaGa follow these conventions.

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