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Thursday, 20 January 2011

Music video shots & camera angles - Lethal Bizzle ft JME, Wiley, P Money, Face, Ghetts, Kano - Pow 2011


This is the shots and camera angles analysis for Pow 2011 music video:

0:01 - Wide shot - Artist walking on screen.

0:03 - Medium shot - Close up on Lethal B looking through binoculars.

0:04 - Long shot - JME stood against a wall.

0:05 - Close-up - Close-up of undercover police officer monitoring somebody.

0:10 - 0:21 - Quick shots - Video has quick shots of all the different artists and settings, goes with the beat and rhythm of the song.

0:22 - Close-up - Close-up shot of Lethal B

0:25 - Wide shot - Wide shot of roof and the artists on the roof.

0:33 - Over the shoulder shot - Focus blur - Close up of JME and focus blur into background to show police officer chasing him.

0:35 - Same as above - Focus blur - JME starts to run from the undercover police officer.

0:47 - Medium close up - Lethal B sees JME being caught by the undercover police officers.

1:04 - Close-up - Close-up of police officer after he's caught JME.

1:07 - Close-up - Shows a close-up picture of Wiley held in the police officers hands which he's showing to JME.

1:30 - Wide shot - Wide shot of Chipmunk, Face and shows a tied up security guard.

1:34 - Wide shot to a medium close-up - Shows a wide shot of Chipmunk outside the vault then changes to a medium shot inside the vault then the camera angles alternates between the two.

1:59 - Medium close-up - Tilt - Face brings the money and leaves it for P Money to loading the money into the van.

2:34 - Close-up - Shows close-up of Ghetts in the van driving it.

2:42 - Medium close-up - Reflection of Kano in a mirror.

3:00 - Two shot - Kano and Ghetts in the same shot.

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