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Welcome to SC Media, our blog is a dedicated place to find all the latest research within the music industry. Our blog is designed and maintained by two A level media students who work hard and listen to a wide variety of music and genres.

Monday, 17 January 2011

Music video analysis - Pop

This music video is "California Gurls" by Katy Perry from her album "Teenage Dream". This music video uses the typical conventions when it comes to a pop music video. The usual conventions of a pop video include different aspects such as dancing and sometimes parody or and event taking place. In "Teenage Dream" the video utilises these conventions to great effect. Also a popular theme within pop music videos especially amongst the female artists is the use of sexuality to promote the video. Katy Perry does this in her music video by wearing various different outfits and uses intimate scenes. The use of sexual innuendo is also present within this music video by adding a comical twist to it. It does this when Katy Perry and the dancers are in the background and cream starts launching out of her feminine areas the added comical twist is that she guides where the cream is being shot.

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